

Text Auto Blur - Image processing with AI

スクリーンショット 2019-06-30 14.05.21

Automatic text blur processing application using image recognition.
You can import images and process images easily with one touch.

■ Function
・ Import image from camera, camera roll
・ Text blurring processing function by automatic recognition

This app uses automatic recognition and is not responsible for its accuracy. The more horizontal the text is and the more alphabetic it is, the more accurate it is.

スクリーンショット 2019-06-30 14.05.34
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character, mosaic, privacy, blur, processing, photo, image, processing, retouch, correction, AI, recognition, MLテキスト, 文字, ぼかし, モザイク, プライバシー, ブラー, 加工, 写真, 画像, 処理, レタッチ, 修正, AI, 認識, 自動, 機械学習, フォト, SNS, 投稿, Twitter, 秘密, スマート

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